Takipril® Hyperbaric Prilocaine

Medical Professional

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Short-acting spinal anesthetic

Takipril is indicated in adults for spinal anaesthesia in short-term surgical procedures.

Available in: glass ampoule 20 mg/ml


Faster regression of sensory and motor block comparing to bupivacaine1
Save cost by significantly reducing recovery room time, discharge time and theatre cost 1,2
Hyperbaric solution allows unilateral anesthesia to improve spinal block recovery profile 3
Low incidence of TNS comparing to mepivacaine and lidocaine 4


Information may differ in your country. Before prescribing refer to nationally approved prescribing information.

1. G. Raetsch, H. Niebergall, L. Hauenstein, A. Reber. Spinalanästhesie in der Tageschirurgie. [Spinal anaesthesia in day-case surgery.] Anaesthesist 2007, 56:322-327
2. D.A. Vagts, C.H. Bley, C.M. Mutz. Einsatz von 2%igem hyperbaren Prilocain zur Spinalanästhesie. Sensitivitätsanalyse in der ambulanten Chirurgie. [Use of 2 % hyperbaric prilocaine for spinal anesthesia: sensitivity analysis in outpatient surgery] Der Anaesthesist, Apr 62(4), 2013
3. Manassero A., Bossolasco M., Ugues S., Bailo C., Liarou C., Coletta G. Minerva Anestesiol 2013, Nov 13. Comparision of unilateral and bilateral SPA with 2% hyperbaric prilocaine in day-case inguinal herniorrhaphy: a randomized controlled trial.
4. L. H. Eberhart et al.: Transiente neurologische Symptome nach Spinalanästhesie. Anaesthesist 2002 · 51:539 –546.