univation® Unicondylar Knee System

Medical Professional

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Minimally invasive and bone sparing
Minimally invasive – YES – but above all safe. Minimally invasive instruments in conjunction with the OrthoPilot® provide for a safe, minimally invasive surgical technique. The navigation procedure is integrated in the operation in a user-friendly manner. The exact implant alignment is documented reproducibly during ongoing surgery with the OrthoPilot®. The univation® system with its bone sparing design provides high primary stability. Only minimal bone resections of the femur and tibia are needed for ensuring secure anchorage. Form and position of the primary fixation elements on the metal components as well as the sturdy yet slim design of the implants make this possible. Minimum bone resection also allows for easier revision surgeries.

Long term stability through unique coating
The main reason for revisions is implant loosening supported by shear forces and lift-off effects. A special developed PMMA-nanobond coating creates a chemical connection between cement and implant material. As a result a 40% higher cement adhesion is achieved and helps to avoid implant loosening.

Restoration of the natural knee function
Implantation of the unicondylar univation® prosthesis in an early disease stage can prevent the spread of arthrosis to other regions of the joint, and can achieve long-term relief of complaints. The natural function is underlined with a design allowing for 150° flexion.

Pain-free mobility
With the univation® F (fixed) and M (mobile) components, patients’ individual needs can be addressed. A comprehensive range of products and instrumentation provides for free choice without compromise.


For further information please contact your Aesculap representative or mail to

e-mail: orthopaedics@aesculap.de